Advertising is the Roof: Why Businesses Need to Stop Blaming their Advertising for Sales Woes
It took me awhile, but now I get it. Ten years of media selling leads to certain cognitive biases. In the past, I would refer clients to Law #4 of Al Ries’ “22 Immutable Laws of Branding:” The Law of Advertising. Ries argues that the purpose of advertising is not necessarily to drive sales, but rather […]
Restaurant Impossible: The Paradox of Success in Business
Restaurant Impossible: The Paradox of Success in Business Have you ever watched Restaurant Impossible? DVR’d episodes, reruns, it doesn’t matter: If it’s on, I’m tuned in. In short, I’m addicted. In the event you’re in the unfathomable group who has no idea what I’m talking about, or you’ve cut the cord altogether, let me briefly […]