How To Market a Home Services Business
Why did you start a home services business? It’s a noble pursuit and many entrepreneurs take the plunge with feverish enthusiasm to serve their customer at a level unseen in their marketplace. But what happens after you’ve exhausted the friends and family pipeline, or your leads and revenue start to plateau? We know that learning […]
April 2022 Newsletter
Life Expectancy of Advertising One of the most common questions surrounding the modern marketer is “How do I know when it’s time to change my advertising,” or similarly, “When has a campaign run its course?” To answer, let’s turn to Rosser Reeves, one of the original “Madmen” in its purest sense, and creator of the […]
How To Measure Your Marketing
Do you know your business numbers? You might have a solid grasp of your revenues and expenses. However, those financial measures are lagging indicators of business success. While that data is helpful, it does not provide much insight into your sales and marketing efforts. Why You Need Sales and Marketing Metrics? Without measures, you […]
2018 Local Business Marketing Trends
2018 Key Marketing Trends for Local B2C Business As a recently Certified Duct Tape Marketing Consultant, I attended my first “Bootcamp,” a weekend in Denver sharing best practices with local business marketing consultants from around the globe. Here are my Key Takeaways. Same Problems; Different Markets It’s humbling and a bit comforting to know that challenges […]
Emarketer Releases Updated 2017 Media Consumption Study
US Adults Spend an Average of 12 Hours a Day Consuming Media Media Planners Need to Be Aware of These Changing Trends in Content Consumption EMarketer recently released its updated 2017 US media consumption estimates, spanning across digital, TV, print, radio, and other various online platforms. It’s further proof that one of the hardest jobs […]
To Wait or Not To Wait? That’s Not the Question.
One of Chicago’s most popular deep dish restaurants, Pequod’s, is a relatively unimpressive dive of an establishment that commands multi-hour wait times during peak hours. Locals will tell you it’s not on the list for most tourists and if you Google “Chicago deep dish pizza,” it won’t show up on the first page. However, many […]
Advertising is the Roof: Why Businesses Need to Stop Blaming their Advertising for Sales Woes
It took me awhile, but now I get it. Ten years of media selling leads to certain cognitive biases. In the past, I would refer clients to Law #4 of Al Ries’ “22 Immutable Laws of Branding:” The Law of Advertising. Ries argues that the purpose of advertising is not necessarily to drive sales, but rather […]
Snapchat Offers “Seen” Ads for $750K
Article Link: Guaranteed to Disappear: Snapchat sheds light on Guaranteed Strategy for Advertisers Advertisers paying for impressions not seen or viewed is still a huge problem for the digital industry, a space that prides itself on brands’ ability to “measure” and “track,” unlike its traditional counterparts. However, I’d […]
Let the Cards Fall: Rentrak Adds Another Major Media Partner
Rentrak has its work cut out battling legacy ratings giant Nielsen. But the cards are continuing to fall, as Tribune Media recently announced its deal to carry the service. Brands and media companies should take note, as this is the future of audience measurement, and ending the reliance on the current “stone-aged” methodology. Find […]